Aerodynamic Noise CFD Simulation: Tonal and Broadband Noise
FEA & CFD Based Simulation Design Analysis Virtual prototyping MultiObjective Optimization
Sound caused by pressure oscillation of fluid, such as wind noise, and sound caused by resonance can be predicted using Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and a weak compressible flow model. A Fast Fourier Transform calculation can be used within the CFD software to predict the frequency of noise. Predicting the noise generated by complex flows from steady CFD solutions allows us to study the noise generated by turbulent flows from CFD solutions.
Combining CFD and acoustic simulation software for study aerodynamic noise sources from flow simulations performed with CFD codes such as MSC Cradle, Fluent, StarCCM+ or OpenFOAM enable us to use the results from flow simulation obtained from CFD analysis, for export to the acoustic simulation software to synthesize the noise sources.
These sources are then imported into an acoustic computation and are then propagated. This procedure allows addressing the noise generated from turbulent flows in a much faster way than classic aero-acoustic approaches and it is specifically useful when relative levels between different designs are needed such as in optimization loops.
- Air conditioning modules (HVAC).
- Side mirror noise.
- Airframe noise (landing gear, trailing edge).
- Air distribution systems.

Broadband Noise
Broadband noise, is a random and nonperiodic acoustic signal. It is caused by turbulent flow over the blades and the resulting variations in blade loading. Turbulence in the flow field interacts with the blades, leading to fluctuations in the lift and drag forces. These unsteady forces generate broadband noise that spans a wide range of frequencies.
Broadband noise in rotor systems is primarily caused by random variations in blade loading resulting from the interaction of the blades with turbulence. Different mechanisms that produce broadband noise in rotor systems:
- Inflow Turbulence: In certain applications like ships, the propellers operate in highly disturbed flows beneath the hull. Turbulence generated upstream of the propeller can be ingested into the rotor, leading to variations in blade loading and generating broadband noise.
- Blade Wake Interaction Noise: In helicopters, the trailing tip vortices that cause Blade-Vortex Interaction (BVI) noise can be surrounded by high levels of turbulence. This turbulence interacts with the blades, resulting in broadband noise generation known as blade wake interaction noise.
- Trailing Edge Noise: Turbulence present in the blade boundary layer itself does not produce much sound. However, as the turbulent boundary layer passes the blade trailing edge, the local boundary conditions change rapidly, leading to significant sound generation. This phenomenon is known as trailing edge noise and is considered one of the primary mechanisms of broadband noise in fans and propellers.
- Turbulence at Blade Tips: The influence of turbulence at blade tips on broadband noise is still not fully understood. However, it is acknowledged that on blades with low aspect ratios, turbulence at the blade tips may play a significant role in noise generation and should not be disregarded as a potential noise source mechanism.
Understanding and managing these sources of broadband rotor noise is essential for noise reduction efforts in various applications. Techniques such as improved aerodynamic design, tip modifications, and active control methods are utilized to mitigate broadband noise and minimize its impact.
Tonal or Harmonic Noise
Tonal or Harmonic Noise is characterized by repetitive patterns that occur exactly during each rotation of the blades. Tonal noise is typically associated with specific blade passage frequencies or harmonics, resulting from sources that repeat themselves periodically. These sources can include interactions between the blades and the vortices shed from the previous blade passage, as well as other blade-rotating interactions.
Noise Industrial Design Concerns: Aircraft, Ship Propellers, Airboats, Wind Turbines and Helicopter Rotors
In various applications involving propeller-driven aircraft, ship propellers, airboats, wind turbines, and helicopter rotors, high levels of noise can be a significant concern. While the specific dominant noise processes may vary depending on the application, the underlying source mechanisms are similar.
- Propeller-Driven Aircraft: Cabin noise in propeller-driven aircraft can be attributed to several factors, including the interaction of the propeller blades with the airflow and the noise generated by the engine. The design of the propeller and engine components, as well as the aerodynamics of the aircraft, play a crucial role in managing and reducing cabin noise levels.
- Ship Propellers: Shipboard noise caused by propellers primarily stems from the interaction between the rotating propeller blades and the water. The hydrodynamic forces and cavitation effects created by the propeller blades can lead to significant noise generation. Efforts are made to design propellers with improved hydrodynamics and reduce cavitation to mitigate noise levels.
- Airboats: Airboats are propelled by large propellers, and when running at high speeds, they can generate substantial noise. Similar to ship propellers, the interaction between the propeller blades and the surrounding air creates noise. Noise reduction measures for airboats can include optimizing propeller design, incorporating noise-absorbing materials, and employing noise suppression techniques.
- Wind Turbines: While wind turbines primarily convert wind energy into electricity, they can also produce noise if not designed properly. Aerodynamic noise from the interaction of the turbine blades with the wind and mechanical noise from the gearbox and other components can contribute to overall noise levels. Design improvements, such as blade shape optimization and noise-reducing technologies, are employed to minimize noise impacts from wind turbines.
- Helicopter Rotors: Helicopter rotors share similarities with propellers and can generate significant noise due to various factors. These include blade-vortex interaction noise, airfoil self-noise, and noise from mechanical components such as the gearbox. Reducing helicopter noise is a critical consideration for both military and civil applications, and advancements in rotor design, material selection, and active noise control techniques aim to address this issue.
The sources of noise in propeller-driven aircraft, ship propellers, airboats, wind turbines, and helicopter rotors may have similar underlying mechanisms, but the specific dominant processes depend on the application. Noise reduction efforts focus on optimizing designs, improving aerodynamics, incorporating noise-absorbing materials, and implementing noise suppression techniques to mitigate the impact of noise in these various scenarios
Broadband Noise In Rotor Systems
Broadband noise in rotor systems is primarily caused by random variations in blade loading resulting from the interaction of the blades with turbulence.
Inflow Turbulence: In certain applications like ships, the propellers operate in highly disturbed flows beneath the hull. Turbulence generated upstream of the propeller can be ingested into the rotor, leading to variations in blade loading and generating broadband noise.
Blade Wake Interaction Noise: In helicopters, the trailing tip vortices that cause Blade-Vortex Interaction (BVI) noise can be surrounded by high levels of turbulence. This turbulence interacts with the blades, resulting in broadband noise generation known as blade wake interaction noise.
Trailing Edge Noise: Turbulence present in the blade boundary layer itself does not produce much sound. However, as the turbulent boundary layer passes the blade trailing edge, the local boundary conditions change rapidly, leading to significant sound generation. This phenomenon is known as trailing edge noise and is considered one of the primary mechanisms of broadband noise in fans and propellers.
Turbulence at Blade Tips: The influence of turbulence at blade tips on broadband noise is still not fully understood. However, it is acknowledged that on blades with low aspect ratios, turbulence at the blade tips may play a significant role in noise generation and should not be disregarded as a potential noise source mechanism.

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We pride ourselves on empowering each client to overcome the challenges of their most demanding projects.
Enteknograte engineering team use advanced CAE software with special features for mixing the best of both FEA tools and CFD solvers: CFD codes such as MSC Cradle, Ansys Fluent, Siemens StarCCM+ and FEA Codes such as ABAQUS, Ansys, Nastran, LS-Dyna and MSC Actran for Acoustics and VibroAcoustics simulations.