Ansys LS-DYNA Multiphysics Solver: industry-leading explicit simulation software for drop tests, impact and penetration, smashes and crashes, occupant safety, and more.

LS-DYNA fully automated contact analysis capabilities and error-checking features have enabled users worldwide to solve successfully many complex crash and forming problems. LS-DYNA simulation results have been consistently correlated with experimental data at various customer sites. These extensive tests give the user high confidence in using the program as an accurate simulation tool.

Car Seat Test design ansys ls-dyna finite element simulation

Ansys LS-Dyna Main Applications

LS-DY­NA has been used in the au­to­mo­tive in­dus­try for over 25 years, and its adop­tion con­tin­ues to grow. To­day, LS-DY­NA is the pri­ma­ry crash analy­sis tool for over 80% of the world’s ma­jor au­to­mo­tive OEMs, and the code is used by an es­ti­mat­ed 90% of tier 1 sup­pli­ers.

The phrase “de­sign-build-test” has been used to ac­cu­rate­ly de­scribe the tra­di­tion­al au­to­mo­tive de­vel­op­ment cy­cle. In re­cent years, how­ev­er, the in­dus­try has set a new goal of 1-year from con­cept to re­al­i­ty. With such an ag­gres­sive tar­get in mind, de­sign-build-test ap­proach has be­come in­creas­ing­ly im­prac­ti­cal.

LSTC pro­vides a so­lu­tion to this prob­lem with LS-DY­NA, which can be used to re­place a sig­nif­i­cant por­tion of phys­i­cal test­ing with vir­tu­al test­ing. The bot­tom line is that firms can min­i­mize re­build­ing and retest­ing and ul­ti­mate­ly save on de­vel­op­ment time and cost.

Ansys LS-Dyna Main Applications

  • Crash- and pedestrian safety in automotive
    • Dummy, airbag, barrier
    • Seat belt, retractors
  • Automotive part manufacturing
    • Car body, seats, roofs, doors
    • Hoods, fender, bumpers
  • Simulation of manufacturing process
    • Deep drawing (incl. gravity sim. and springback)
    • Rolling, pressing, forging, casting, spinning
    • Superplastic forming, hydroforming, hemming
    • Multi-stage processes, metal cutting
    • Roller hemming, profile rolling
  • Glass forming
  • Biomedical applications
  • Stability/ failure investigations
    • Cranes
    • Seat tracks
  • Bounce and drop tests
    • Mobile phone
    • Consumer products
    • Tools
    • Nuclear vessels
ansys ls-dyna explosion blast wave FEA design simulation
  • Earthquake engineering
  • Aerospace
  • Blast loading
  • Spot-welded, riveted and bolted structures
  • Fluid dynamic
  • Fluid-structure interaction
  • Shipping containers
  • Eigenvalue analysis
  • Penetration problems
  • Plastics, mold and blow forming
Car and vehicle Finite Element Simulation Crash Test Crashworthiness Ls-Dyna Abaqus PAM-CRASH

LS-DY­NA is al­ready be­ing used for a wide va­ri­ety of au­to­mo­tive-re­lat­ed sim­u­la­tions. Some of the most com­mon analy­sis types in­clude:

  • FMVSS201 Head Im­pact
  • FMVSS207/­210 Seat­belt An­chor­age
  • FMVSS208 Frontal Im­pact
  • FMVSS214 Sta­t­ic & Dy­nam­ic Side Im­pact
  • FMVSS216 Roof Crush
  • FMVSS225 Child Re­straint An­chor­age
  • FMVSS301 Rear Im­pact & Fu­el In­tegri­ty
  • IIHS Off­set Frontal Im­pact
  • IIHS Side Im­pact
  • IIHS Low Speed Bumper Im­pact
  • Grav­i­ty Load­ing
  • Elas­tic Re­cov­ery Af­ter Dy­nam­ic Im­pact

Why Ansys LS-Dyna used for Crash Test and crashworthiness Analysis?

Such analy­ses en­com­pass a wide va­ri­ety of com­plex phys­i­cal phe­nom­e­na, and LS-DY­NA is equipped with vast ar­ray of fea­tures and ca­pa­bil­i­ties to repli­cate these events. These in­clude:

  • An ex­ten­sive li­brary of ma­te­ri­als (more than any oth­er code) ca­pa­ble of ac­cu­rate­ly mod­el­ing steel, alu­minum, plas­tics, fab­ric, glass, rub­ber, foam, hon­ey­comb, and many oth­ers un­der both sta­t­ic and high-speed dy­nam­ic con­di­tions. Many of these ma­te­r­i­al mod­els al­so cap­ture vis­cous, rate-de­pen­dent, and hy­per­e­las­tic be­hav­ior, and there is a wide va­ri­ety of both brit­tle and duc­tile fail­ure op­tions avail­able.
  • An ex­ten­sive se­lec­tion of ac­cu­rate and very gen­er­al con­tact al­go­rithms. These in­clude sur­face-to-sur­face con­tacts, erod­ing con­tacts, tied in­ter­faces, and many more.
  • An ex­ten­sive se­lec­tion of airbag mod­el­ing tools. Avail­able meth­ods in­clude Con­trol Vol­ume, ALE, and CPM.
  • An ex­ten­sive se­lec­tion of seat belt re­lat­ed fea­tures, in­clud­ing sliprings, re­trac­tors, pre-ten­sion­ers, and sen­sors.
  • An ex­ten­sive se­lec­tion of join­ing meth­ods. These in­clude rigid con­nec­tions, bolts, and spotwelds. De­lam­i­na­tion of bod­ed struc­tures can al­so be mod­eled.
  • Mul­ti-physics ca­pa­bil­i­ties to mod­el things like flu­id-struc­ture in­ter­ac­tion in fu­el tanks.
airbag Occupant restraint system Car vehicle Finite Element Simulation Crash Test MSC dytran Crashworthiness Ls-Dyna Abaqus PAM-CRASH
airbag Occupant restraint system Car vehicle Finite Element Simulation Crash Test MSC dytran Crashworthiness Ls-Dyna Abaqus PAM-CRASH
Ansys ls-dyna simulation design finite element fea

LS-DYNA provides more than 130 metallic and non-metallic material models.

  • Elastic
  • Metals
  • Plastics
  • Linear visco-elasticity
  • Elasto-viscoplastic
  • Elastomers and rubbers
  • Glass models
  • Foams
  • Fabrics
  • Composites
  • Honeycombs
  • Kevlar material with damage
  • Equations-of-state hydrodynamic models
  • Acoustic pressure material/element
  • Concrete & soils
  • High explosives
  • Propellants
  • Viscous fluids
  • Biomechanic material models
  • Failure models
  • User-defined materials

Contact options

The fully automated contact analysis capability in LS-DYNA is easy to use, robust, and validated. It uses constraint and penalty methods to satisfy contact conditions. These techniques have worked extremely well over the past twenty years in numerous applications such as full-car crashworthiness studies, system/component analysis, and occupant safety analysis. Coupled thermo-mechanical contact can also be handled. Over 40 different contacts are available. Multiple contact options are possible, for example:

  • Single surface contact
  • Contact with rigid walls
  • Beam-beam contact
  • Tied surfaces
  • Nodes tied to surfaces
  • Shell edges tied to shell surfaces
  • Fluid-structure interfaces
  • Eroding contact
  • Edge-to-edge contact
  • Resultant force contact
  • Draw beads
  • Pinball contact
  • Flexible body contact
  • Flexible body to rigid body contact
  • Rigid body to rigid body contact
  • Sliding contact
  • Contact with CAD surfaces
  • Heat transfer across the contact surface
  • User-defined contact options
Car Seat Research ansys ls-dyna simulation design finite element fea

Specialized automotive features

  • Seat-belts – including modeling of accelerometer, pretensioner, retractor, sensor, and slip ring
  • Inflator models
  • Airbag fabric constitutive models
  • Accelerometers
  • Airbag sensors
  • Airbag breakout
  • Eulerian deployment of airbags
  • Airbag folder
  • Unfolded reference geometry for airbags
  • Dummy positioner
  • Side-impact dummy special damper
  • Particle method for airbag deployment

Soil-Dam-Structure Interaction

Large civ­il struc­tures such as con­crete dams, nu­clear pow­er plants, high-rise build­ings and bridges are mas­sive enough that their vi­bra­tion due to earth­quake ex­ci­ta­tion af­fects the mo­tion of the soil or rock sup­port­ing them,which in turn fur­ther af­fects the mo­tion of the struc­ture it­self. This in­ter­ac­tion be­tween the struc­ture and the soil needs to be mod­eled ac­cu­rate­ly in or­der to de­sign earth­quake re­sis­tant struc­tures and to cor­rect­ly eval­u­ate the earth­quake safe­ty of ex­ist­ing struc­tures.

Earth­quake analy­sis of dams pro­vide an added chal­lenge be­yond analy­sis of soil-struc­ture sys­tems be­cause here there are two un­bound­ed do­mains — the wa­ter and the foun­da­tion rock, in­ter­act­ing with each oth­er as well as the dam — as op­posed to on­ly one un­bound­ed do­main in soil-struc­ture in­ter­ac­tion.

Soil dam structure interaction fsi civil Ansys ls-dyna simulation design finite element fea
Stamping Nakajima Test Forming Metal Abaqus Ansys Msc Simufact Nastran Code aster ls-dyna FEA

Stamp­ing and Forming Man­u­fac­tur­ing Simulation with LS-DYNA

LS-DY­NA is the most ver­sa­tile soft­ware avail­able com­mer­cial­ly, ow­ing to its de­vel­op­ment strat­e­gy of one scal­able code that in­te­grates mul­ti-physics, mul­ti-stage, and mul­ti-scale ca­pa­bil­i­ties. Ap­pli­ca­tion of LS-DY­NA in stamp­ing man­u­fac­tur­ing en­gi­neer­ing is ful­ly process de­pen­dent, lim­it­ed on­ly by the imag­i­na­tions of its users, and has proven to be ap­plic­a­ble (but not lim­it­ed) in the fol­low­ing ar­eas:

  • Grav­i­ty load­ing (im­plic­it)
  • Binder clos­ing/­set­ting (im­plic­it & ex­plic­it)
  • Form­ing (thin, thick shells and solids)
  • Flang­ing (think shell & solids, im­plic­it & ex­plic­it)
  • Hem­ming (press & roller)
  • Spring­back (free stand­ing or on fix­ture nets)
  • Spring­back com­pen­sa­tion of stamp­ing die and line dies
  • As­sem­bly sim­u­la­tion (clamp­ing forces, per­ma­nent set, spring­back, etc.)
  • Ston­ing for sur­face de­fects of ex­te­ri­or pan­els
  • Dy­nam­ic pan­el trans­fer (trans­fer press line)
  • Pan­el drop­ping (on­to fix­ture) sim­u­la­tion
  • Stamp­ing op­ti­miza­tion (draw beads, ma­te­r­i­al prop­er­ties & tool geom­e­try, etc.)
  • Var­i­ous sta­t­ic & dy­nam­ic load­ing of struc­tures
  • Dent­ing and snap-through sim­u­la­tion
  • One-step stamp­ing ini­tial­iza­tion for sub­se­quent process (crash sim­u­la­tion, etc.)
  • Stamp­ing scrap shed­ding process
  • Tube-bend­ing/­Hy­dro-form­ing
  • Hot/­warm stamp­ing & su­per­plas­tic form­ing
  • Mag­net­ic met­al form­ing

LSTC has al­so in­vest­ed tremen­dous ef­fort in de­vel­op­ing a large col­lec­tion of dum­my and bar­ri­er mod­els for use in crash sim­u­la­tions. These mod­els have been cor­re­lat­ed with phys­i­cal test re­sults and are com­plete­ly free when you pur­chase LS-DY­NA.

An­oth­er strength of Ansys LS-DY­NA that is crit­i­cal to the au­to­mo­tive in­dus­try is the scal­a­bil­i­ty of the MPP ver­sion of the code. With the abil­i­ty uti­lize hun­dreds (or even thou­sands) of CPUs for a sin­gle sim­u­la­tion run, de­tailed crash analy­ses that once took days can now be eas­i­ly turned around in a mat­ter of hours.

blast explosion cfd fea simulation ansys ls-dyna design


We pride ourselves on empowering each client to overcome the challenges of their most demanding projects.

Enteknograte offers a Virtual Engineering approach with FEA tools such as MSC Softwrae(Simufact, Digimat, Nastran, MSC APEX, Actran Acoustic solver), ABAQUS, Ansys, and LS-Dyna, encompassing the accurate prediction of in-service loads, the performance evaluation, and the integrity assessment including the influence of manufacturing the components.

Crash Test and Crashworthiness

Finite Element Simulation of Crash Test and Crashworthiness with LS-Dyna, Abaqus and PAM-CRASH Including Airbag & Seat Belt Effectiveness, Trucks, Bus and eVTOL.
Current requirements for structural design of U.S. Army aircraft pertaining to crash resistance are discussed. Principles for crash-resistant design are presented in detail for the landing gear and fuselage subject to a range of crash conditions, including impacts that are primarily longitudinal, vertical or lateral in nature and those that involve more complicated dynamic conditions, such as rollover.

Blast Resistance with Protection Against Ballistic Attacks

FEA (Finite Element Analysis) & CFD Based Simulation of Blast, Explosion & Fire
Enteknograte engineers simulate the Blast and Explosion with innovative CAE and virtual prototyping available in the non-linear structural codes MSC Dytran, LS-DYNA, Ansys Autodyn, and ABAQUS. Enteknograte Engineers can simulate any type of Blast and Explosion such as air blast, Underwater explosion (UNDEX) and Fragmentation due to blast to survey structural integrity in High Rate Loading Condition.

Seat Design: Finite Element and CFD Simulation for Static & Dynamic Comfort, Whiplash, Acoustic & Thermal Comfort, Crash Test

Simulation Based Design can help us to ensure the right occupant posture, which is essential for safety, Static and Dynamic Comfort, for example by predicting the H-Point and incorporating whiplash, thermal and Acoustic comfort simulation. The ability to predict the comfort of innovative seat designs using simulation tools, a library of human models with our team experience in CFD (Siemens Start-ccm+, Ansys Fluent and OpenFoam) and FEA (Ansys LS-DYNA, Simulia Abaqus, ESI Pam-Crash and Altair RADIOSS) simulation software with integrated Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for innovative design, can help manufacturers to create seats that provide a superior driving experience for their customers.

Structural Dynamics: Coupling CFD, MBD, FEA and 1D Systems Simulation Software

We have experience developing complex high fidelity finite element models to facilitate predictive virtual testing including wings, engines and aircraft interiors. In addition, we could simulate vulnerability events such as: Bird strike, Tire burst, Ditching, Passenger safety and Impact events.

Finite Element Welding Simulation: RSW, FSW, Arc, Electron and Laser Beam Welding

Enteknograte engineers simulate the Welding with innovative CAE and virtual prototyping available in the non-linear structural codes such as LS-DYNA, Ansys, Comsol, Simufact Welding, ESI SysWeld and ABAQUS. The Finite element analysis of welding include Arc Welding, laser Beam Welding, RSW, FSW and transfer the results of welding simulation for next simulation like NVH, Crash test, Tension, Compression and shear test and fatigue simulation. We can develop special purpose user subroutine (UMAT) based on clients need to empower simulation environment to overcome any complicated problem in heat load condition, phase change and user defined material constitutive equation.

Metal Forming Simulation: FEA Based Design and Optimization

Using advanced Metal Forming Simulation methodology and FEA tools such as Ansys, Simufact Forming, Autoform, FTI Forming, Ls-dyna and Abaqus for any bulk material forming deformation, combining with experience and development have made Enteknograte the most reliable consultant partner for large material deformation simulation: Closed die forging Open die forging processes such as cogging, saddling, and other GFM, processes Rolling for long products, Extrusion, Ring Rolling, Cross Wedge Rolling and Reducer Rolling for pre-forming Cold forming, Sheet metal forming.

Finite Element Analysis of Durability and Fatigue Life

Vibration Fatigue, Creep, Welded Structures Fatigue, Elastomer and Composite Fatigue with Ansys Ncode, Simulia FE-Safe, MSC CAEFatigue, FEMFAT
Durability often dominates development agendas, and empirical evaluation is by its nature time-consuming and costly. Simulation provides a strategic approach to managing risk and cost by enabling design concepts or design changes to be studied before investment in physical evaluation. The industry-leading fatigue Simulation technology such as Simulia FE-SAFE, Ansys Ncode Design Life and FEMFAT used to calculate fatigue life of multiaxial, welds, short-fibre composite, vibration, crack growth, thermo-mechanical fatigue.

Simulation for Quenching: Virtual Heat Treatment Optimization​

Quenching is used in the production of cast or otherwise-produced metal components. In particular, immersion or direct quenching processes are widely adopted procedures in the automotive and aerospace industries to minimize the formation of undesirable thermal and transformational gradients, which may lead to increased distortion and cracking. The proposed method for simulation must accurately predict real-time quenching effects, local temperature gradients and the overall cooling history of complex quenched components.

Casting: Finite Element and CFD Simulation Based Design

Using Sophisticated FEA and CFD technologies, Enteknograte Engineers can predict deformations and residual stresses and can also address more specific processes like investment casting, semi-solid modeling, core blowing, centrifugal casting, Gravity Casting (Sand / Permanent Mold / Tilt Pouring), Low Pressure Die Casting (LPDC), High Pressure Die Casting (HPDC), Centrifugal Casting and the continuous casting process. The metal casting simulation using FEA and CFD based technologies, enable us to address residual stresses, part distortion, microstructure, mechanical properties and defect detection.

Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing

FEA Based Design and Optimization with Simufact, Abaqus, ANSYS and MSC Apex for powder bed fusion (PBF), directed energy deposition (DED) and binder jetting processes
With additive manufacturing, the design is not constrained by traditional manufacturing requirements and specific number of design parameters. Nonparametric optimization with new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence in coupled with Finite Element method, can be used to produce functional designs with the least amount of material. Additive manufacturing simulations are key in assessing a finished part’s quality. Here at Eneteknograte, dependent of the problem detail, we use advanced tools such as MSC Apex Generative Design, Simufact Additive, Digimat, Abaqus and Ansys.

Rotors Aerodynamic Simulation via Coupled FEA (MBD)/CFD Method: Aeroelastic Behavior Assessment

The blade vortex interactions (BVI) generate high load peaks and represent one of the main noise sources of a helicopter. In contrast to the rotors the flow around the fuselage is basically incompressible and many helicopters have a blunt body with large flow separations behind the fuselage. Depending on the flight conditions there may be strong interactions between main and tail rotors, rotor head, fuselage and the empennage, e.g. the tail shake phenomenon which is mainly caused by separations behind the rotor head.

eVTOL (Electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing) & UAM (Urban Air Mobility)

FEA & CFD Based Simulation for Airworthiness Certification, Aerodynamics, Aeroacoustics and Crashworthiness
The VTOL, eVTOL and UAM market is constantly changing and evolving, so maintaining a competitive edge both within the industry and supporting mission effectiveness requires significant research and development activities. Enteknograte offers the industry’s most complete simulation solution for Urban Air Mobility (UAM) and Vertical Take off and Landing (VTOL) aircrafts.

Acoustics and Vibration: FEA and CFD for AeroAcoustics, VibroAcoustics and NVH Analysis

Noise and vibration analysis is becoming increasingly important in virtually every industry. The need to reduce noise and vibration can arise because of government legislation, new lightweight constructions, use of lower cost materials, fatigue failure or increased competitive pressure. With deep knowledge in FEA, CFD and Acoustic simulation, advanced Acoustic solvers and numerical methods used by Enteknograte engineers to solve acoustics, vibro-acoustics, and aero-acoustics problems in automotive manufacturers and suppliers, aerospace companies, shipbuilding industries and consumer product manufacturers.

FEA Based Composite Material Design and Optimization: MSC Marc, Abaqus, Ansys, Digimat and LS-DYNA

Finite Element Method and in general view, Simulation Driven Design is an efficient tool for development and simulation of Composite material models of Polymer Matrix Composites, Metal Matrix Composites, Ceramic Matrix Composites, Nanocomposite, Rubber and Elastomer Composites, woven Composite, honeycomb cores, reinforced concrete, soil, bones ,Discontinuous Fiber, UD Composit and various other heterogeneous materials.

CFD and FEA in Civil Engineering: Seismic Design, Earthquake, Tunnel, Dam, Concrete Structures and Geotechnical Multiphysics Simulation

Enteknograte, offer a wide range of consulting services based on many years of experience using FEA and CFD: Coupled/Multiphysics problems: mechanics of porous media, spalling of concrete, freezing of ground and young hardening concrete Borehole stability problems Constitutive modeling of concrete Settlement damage on concrete and masonry constructions Pipelines, Earthquake analysis, Tunnel, Dam and Geotechnical Multiphysics Simulation.

Marine and Shipbuilding Industry: Finite Element and CFD Based Simulation and Design

Our experience in Marine and Shipbuilding Industry include: Fatigue assessment studies, Modal and vibration analyses, Seakeeping and seaworthiness assessment, Maneuvering studies, Simulation and evaluation of systems, Damage surveys and investigations, Tie-down structural calculations and approval, Collision Investigation, modeling and analysis, Optimizing the Hydrodynamic Performance of Hull, Cavitation, Marine Vibro-Acoustic, Dynamic Integrity.

In Silico Medical & Biomedical Device Testing: Finite Element & CFD Simulation and Design, Considering FDA & ASME V&V 40

Enteknograte Biomedical Engineers use FEA and CFD for simulating: Orthopedic products, Medical fasteners, Ocular modeling, Soft tissue simulation, Packaging, Electronic systems, Virtual biomechanics, Knee replacement, Human modeling, Soft tissue and joint modeling, Hospital equipment, Laser bonding, Ablation catheters, Dental implants, Mechanical connectors, Prosthetics, Pacemakers, Vascular implants, Defibrillators, Heart valve replacements.

Electromagnetic Multiphysics FEA & CFD Based Simulation

Enteknograte Finite Element Electromagnetic Field simulation solution which uses the highly accurate finite element solvers and methods such as Ansys Maxwell, Simulia Opera, Simulia CST, JMAG, Cedrat FLUX, Siemens MAGNET and COMSOL to solve static, frequency-domain, and time-varying electromagnetic and electric fields includes a wide range of solution types for a complete design flow for your electromagnetic and electromechanical devices in different industries.

Integrated Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning - Deep Learning with CFD & FEA Simulation

Machine learning is a method of data analysis that automates analytical model building. It is a branch of Artificial Intelligence based on the idea that systems can learn from data, identify patterns and make decisions with minimal human intervention. With Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications in CAE, that is Mechanical Engineering and FEA and CFD Simulations as design tools, our CAE engineers evaluate the possible changes (and limits) coming from Machine learning, whether Deep Learning (DL), or Support vector machine (SVM) or even Genetic algorithms to specify definitive influence in some optimization problems and the solution of complex systems.

Aerodynamics Simulation: Coupling CFD with MBD, FEA and 1D-System Simulation

Aerodynamics studies can cover the full speed range of low speed, transonic, supersonic and hypersonic flows as well as turbulence and flow control. System properties such as mass flow rates and pressure drops and fluid dynamic forces such as lift, drag and pitching moment can be readily calculated in addition to the wake effects. This data can be used directly for design purposes or as in input to a detailed stress analysis. Aerodynamics CFD simulation with sophisticated tools such as MSC Cradle, Ansys Fluent and Siemens Star-ccm+ allows the steady-state and transient aerodynamics of heating ventilation & air conditioning (HVAC) systems, vehicles, aircraft, structures, wings and rotors to be computed with extremely high levels of accuracy.