CFD Simulation of Reacting Flows and Combustion: Engine & Gas Turbine, Fuel Injector & Spray, Exhaust Aftertreatment with Detailed Chemistry
FEA & CFD Based Simulation Design Analysis Virtual prototyping MultiObjective Optimization
Knowledge of the underlying combustion chemistry and physics enables designers of gas turbines, boilers and internal combustion engines to increase energy efficiency and fuel flexibility, while reducing emissions. Combustion System couples multiphysics simulations incorporating accurate physical models with an advanced chemistry solver to provide a complete end-to-end combustion chemistry simulation capability to optimize products that involve reacting flow.
By using Accurate reaction mechanisms that representing every class of reaction important for combustion analysis and combination of advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) combustion simulation tools such as Kiva, Ansys Fluent, Ansys Forte, AVL Fire, Converge CFD, Siemens Star-ccm+ , MSC Cradle and System Modeling software such as Matlab Simulink and GT-Suite enable Enteknograte engineering team to reduce chemistry analysis time by orders of magnitude, virtually eliminating the bottleneck that chemistry integration produces during the simulation process.
internal combustion (IC) engines
Simulating internal combustion (IC) engines is challenging due to the complexity of the geometry, spatially and temporally varying conditions, and complex combustion chemistry in the engine. In a complex IC engine case, mesh resolution requirements to capture relevant flow features can vary significantly in time and space. This is a challenge that Adaptive Mesh Refinement can easily solve.
Using Simulation to Optimize Reacting Flows and Combustion
From automobile engines to gas turbine generators, reacting flow and combustion is often the key to energy efficiency, emissions, lifespan, product yield, and other performance parameters. Simulation help look deeper into reacting flow and combustion issues to understand the complex chemical reactions, fluid flow, heat transfer, electrical performance, and other factors that determine the performance of your product. Simulation enables our engineers to evaluate more design alternatives more thoroughly than traditional prototype-based design and development methods.
Our Engineers can confidently diagnose design alternatives to understand which potential design changes have the best change of improving product performance and evaluate enough design alternatives to get the design right before building a physical prototype. In such complicated Multiphysics environment including different solid and fluid and interaction between fields, enforce us to use advanced computational tools with innovative methods to capture real-world simulation and optimize system to reduce cost and maximize performance considering short time for design in world competition.
Conjugate Heat Transfer for Predictive Fluid-Solid Heat Transfer
We simulate fluid flow and assume that the walls of the container were at a constant temperature or even adiabatic. In reality, however, there may be significant heat transfer between the fluid and its container, and thus our CFD simulation must be include this phenomenon. The internal combustion engine is one example of such an application. The internal combustion engine industry is moving toward simulating the entire system rather than independent components.
Conjugate heat transfer (CHT)—the simultaneous prediction of heat transfer in both the fluid and solid portions of the domain—is of critical importance in a full-engine simulation. The accuracy of the predicted combustion in the cylinder is dependent on the temperature boundary conditions in the cylinder. By considering heat transfer in the metal components (e.g., the cylinder head, liner, piston, etc.) in the simulation, the cylinder wall no longer has a user-specified temperature, but instead has temperatures predicted as part of the system simulation.
NVH based Design and Considerations in Reacting Flows and Combustion Systems
The challenge for the NVH specialists is to support the concept and design development process by reliable recommendations just-in-time prior concept or design freeze. Enteknograte’s specialists particularly use advanced methodologies for NVH simulation and optimization:
- FEA based Powertrain
- Structural Optimization
- Optimization of Engine Dynamics based on MBD ( Multi-Body Dynamics Simulation)
- Concurrent optimization of combustion efficiency with NVH considerations
- Vehicle Interior Noise Simulation based on measurement and CAE
- Vehicle Exterior Noise Simulation with couple use of CFD and FEA solvers
- Objective Analysis of Sound Quality
Gas Turbine Combustion CFD Simulation: Detailed Chemistry
Fuel Injectors and Spray CFD Simulation
Spray, Combustion, Emissions, Shaft and Gear Systems, Acoustic Enclosures
CFD Simulation of Reacting Flows and Combustion
CFD Simulation of Engine Exhaust Aftertreatment
1D/3D Coupled Simulation and Co-Simulation: Detailed Chemistry & Multiphase Flow Modeling with 1D Modeling
Integrated Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning - Deep Learning with CFD & FEA Simulation
Heat Transfer and Thermal Analysis: Fluid-Structure Interaction with Coupled CFD and Finite Element Based Simulation
Acoustics and Vibration: FEA and CFD for AeroAcoustics, VibroAcoustics and NVH Analysis
Aerodynamics Simulation: Coupling CFD with MBD, FEA and 1D-System Simulation
Finite Element Analysis of Durability and Fatigue Life
Multi-Phase Flows CFD Analysis
We pride ourselves on empowering each client to overcome the challenges of their most demanding projects.
By using Accurate reaction mechanisms that representing every class of reaction important for combustion analysis and combination of advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) combustion simulation tools such as Kiva, Ansys Fluent, Ansys Forte, AVL Fire, Converge CFD, Siemens Star-ccm+ , MSC Cradle and System Modeling software such as Matlab Simulink and GT-Suite enable Enteknograte engineering team to reduce chemistry analysis time by orders of magnitude, virtually eliminating the bottleneck that chemistry integration produces during the simulation process.