CFD and FEA in Civil Engineering: Seismic Design, Earthquake, Tunnel, Dam, Bridge, Concrete Structures and Geotechnical Multiphysics Simulation
FEA & CFD Based Simulation Design Analysis Virtual prototyping MultiObjective Optimization
Enteknograte, offer a wide range of consulting services based on many years of experience using FEA and CFD softwares in Civil Engineering: Earthquake, Tunnel, Dam and Geotechnical. The Company is involved in analyses projects with advanced applications that focus on aspects of computational mechanics. In addition, we carry out research projects that lead to future extensions or enhancements to FEA and CFD package, or result in special software with Matlab and other high-end programming language for Structural and geotechnical simulation.
Enteknograte offers a Virtual Engineering approach with CFD and FEA tools such as MSC Cradle, Ansys Fluent, StarCCM+ for flows simulation and FEA based Codes such as ABAQUS, Ansys, Nastran and LS-Dyna, encompassing the accurate prediction of in-service loads, the performance evaluation, and the integrity assessment including the influence of manufacturing the components.
Finite element simulation of Tunnel construction and loading steps effects
Finite element simulation of Masonry structures in Earthquake loading

Enteknograte engineers participate in method development, advanced simulation work, software training and support. Over experiences in engineering consulting and design development enables Enteknograte’s engineering team to display strong/enormous client focus and engineering experience.
Our engineering team use advanced CAE software with special features for mixing the best of both FEA tools and CFD solvers: CFD codes such as Ansys Fluent, StarCCM+, OpenFOAM and FEA Codes such as ANSYS, ABAQUS, NASTRAN, LS-Dyna and MSC Marc. With combination of deep knowledge and experience in FEA and CFD and sophisticated design tools, Enteknograte engineers can solve any problem with any level of complexity in civil engineering including:
- Coupled/Multiphysics problems: mechanics of porous media, spalling of concrete, freezing of ground and young hardening concrete
- Borehole stability problems
- Constitutive modeling of concrete
- Settlement damage on concrete and masonry constructions
- Pipelines
- Earthquake analysis
- Tunnel simulation
- Finite element simulation of dam
- CFD simulation of Ventilation and comfort
- CFD and FEA analysis of Fire, smoke movement and explosions
- Geotechnical FEA based design and simulation

Analysis of Tunnel Include:
- Drained / undrained analysis
- In-situ Stress and Pore-pressure Initialization
- Construction-staged analysis
- Seepage analysis (steady state / transient)
- Saturated or partially saturated flow
- Consolidation analysis (full coupled stress-flow analysis)
- Pressure dependent degree of saturation
- Porosity or saturation dependent permeability
- Deformation dependent density and porosity
- Large displacement and large strain nonlinear analysis
- Nonlinear modelling of joints between the TBM lining segments
- Spectral response analysis (ABS, SRSS, and CQC modal combinations)
- Fluid-structure interaction
- Ground freezing analysis including latent heat consumption, thermal expansion and temperature dependent elasto-plasticity
- Liquefaction simulation
- Finite Element Modelling of rock bolts, nails or geotextiles in soil
- Soil-structure interaction with nonlinear behavior for both soil and structure
- Creep, shrinkage or swelling analysis
- Young concrete analysis including hydration heat, shrinkage, hardening, visco-elasticity and cracking

Dynamic Analysis of Dam Include:
- Direct frequency analysis, modal response analysis, and spectral response analysis, with fluid-structure interaction
- Linear and nonlinear time domain analysis with a wide choice of time integration schemes
- Hybrid frequency-time domain analysis, with possibility to include compressibility of the fluid and bottom absorption
- Multi-directional acceleration loads
- Viscous, structural and continuous damping
- Specified or calculated initial conditions
- Fully coupled consolidation
- Saturated and partially saturated soils
- Steady-state and transient ground-water flow
- Drained/undrained soil
- Phased analysis
- Coupled thermo-stress analysis
- Young hardening concrete behavior also with cooling
- Time, temperature and maturity dependency
- Discrete and smeared crack analysis

Geotechnical Analysis Include:
- In-situ stress and pore-pressure initialization
- Construction staged analysis
- Drained/undrained analysis
- Seepage analysis (steady state/transient)
- Saturated or partially saturated flow
- Consolidation analysis (full coupled stress-flow analysis)
- Pressure dependent degree of saturation
- Freely moving phreatic surfaces
- Porosity or saturation dependent permeability
- Deformation dependent density and porosity
- Dynamic (linear and nonlinear) and liquefaction analysis
- Special (embedded) pile elements with nonlinear pile shaft and toe interfaces
- Anchors, nails, and rock bolt modelling
- Geotextiles
- Strength reduction analysis (phi-c)
- Engineering liquefaction

Fire, Smoke Movement and Explosions
Material resistance to explosion, fire and extreme heat, as well as structural deterioration from catastrophic events, must be analyzed accurately. Simulating explosions and fire scenarios is an important stage of a performance-based design cycle. The results can demonstrate that smoke/fire management system designs maintain both safe conditions for occupants and the structural integrity of the building.

Ventilation and Comfort: CFD Simulation-based Design
Advanced CFD softwares capable us to handling advanced HVAC and Civil Engineering simulations starting from Indoor dynamics to external building loading to even large scale simulations. Both Architectural and Civil industries have great benefits from CFD Simulation for over thirty years. Some HVAC Industry simulation trends that will shape the future are:
- Sustainable building design – Natural Airflow and ventilation, building materials, green buildings
- Smart HVAC Systems – Sensors, thermostats, advanced compressor technologies, etc.
- Using Solar Energy – Green lighting, solar heating systems
- Air conditioning efficiency – Optimised A/C settings, Age of air, human comfort, etc.
- Indoor Dynamics – Spread of pollutants/disease, clean room, laminar flow setups, e

Architectural Acoustic Consulting Services
Enteknograte Corp. has become an industry leader through our wide range of experience in advanced simulation-based design procedures, and our cutting-edge architectural acoustic consulting services. Enteknograte conducts field sound level certifications for architects, engineers, surveyors, developers, flooring contractors, and various governmental agencies, as well compliance testing for new equipment, community noise, and industrial noise per ASTM and ANSI standards.
- Sound measurements to determine the existing reverberation time (RT) of rooms and evaluate sound absorption of the rooms
- Acoustical testing simulation including Sound Transmission Class (STC) and impact (FIIC) testing of residential and commercial properties and Noise Criterion testing of background noise in rooms
- Reviewing architecture plans and details to determine potential acoustic conditions of the space and evaluate the building envelope for noise isolation from exterior noise sources
- Acoustical treatment options to optimize reverberation time
- Mechanical equipment noise control guidelines
- Design noise criteria for noise sensitive spaces
- Sound isolations between noise sensitive spaces
- Vibration isolations for mechanical equipment

Finite element analysis for Earthquake engineering and Seismic Design
- Discrete and Smeared crack models with fixed and rotating cracks
- Nonlinear dynamic soil-structure interaction analysis of dock walls and associated structures to demonstrate safety under extreme seismic loading
- Large scale 3D analysis of reinforced concrete water retaining structures under seismic loading. Full lift-off, sliding and SSI effects considered
- Seismic design checking to Eurocode
- Seismic design check of a viscous damped road bridge
- Seismic analysis of a compacted mass concrete dam
- Seismic response analysis of a major bridge crossing
- Dynamic assessment for a cooling tower
- Geomechanics of Oil & Gas Reservoirs
- Stability Analysis of Mines
- Monopile Foundations for Offshore Wind
- Assessment of viaduct structures on a major high speed railway
- High speed train resonance study for a span masonry arch structure
- Dynamic stability analysis of a slender plate girder bridge
- Dynamic response analysis of a long span steel bridge
- Slab and wall Seismic analysis for an underground swimming pool
- Dynamic SSI analysis of foundations
- LNG concrete containment tank Seismic analyses
Finite element analysis for Earthquake engineering and Seismic Design: Structural, Soil and Rocks dynamics
Finite element simulation of Tunnel
FEA and CFD Based Bridge Simulation
Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI)
Finite element analysis of concrete: Discrete cracking, Smeared crack and XFEM for concrete fracture and damage Simulation
Geotechnical Simulation: Finite Element for Soil and Rock Mechanics in Foundations, Embankments, Tunnels, Excavations, Slope Stability, Mines and Dams
Finite Element Simulation of Dam
Ventilation and Comfort: CFD and FEA Modeling
Architectural Acoustic Consulting Services: Environmental Noise, Auralization, Sound and Vibration Isolation per ASTM and ANSI Standards
Civil Engineering: Seismic Design, Earthquake, Tunnel, Dam, Concrete Structures and Geotechnical Multiphysics Simulation
We pride ourselves on empowering each client to overcome the challenges of their most demanding projects.

Finite Element Analysis of Durability and Fatigue Life
FEA (Finite Element) Welding Simulation: RSW (Resistance Spot Welding), FSW (Friction Stir Welding), Pressure Welding, Arc, Electron and Laser Beam Welding
Hydrodynamics CFD simulation, Coupled with FEA for FSI Analysis of Marine and offshore structures
Integrated Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning - Deep Learning with CFD & FEA Simulation
Aerodynamics Simulation: Coupling CFD with MBD, FEA and 1D-System Simulation
Heat Transfer and Thermal Analysis: Fluid-Structure Interaction with Coupled CFD and Finite Element Based Simulation
Acoustics and Vibration: FEA and CFD for AeroAcoustics, VibroAcoustics and NVH Analysis
Blast, Explosion & Fire: Blast Resistance with Protection Against Ballistic Attacks