ODYSSEE: AI & Machine Learning for CFD, FEA, Statistics, Data Mining, Data Fusion, Optimization and Robustness
ODYSSEE CAE is a unique and powerful CAE-centric innovation platform that allows engineers to apply Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Reduced Order Modelling (ROM) and Design Optimization to workflows. It allows you to benefit from modern data science technology by creating cost efficient digital twins through real-time predictive modeling and optimization for both CAE simulation data and physical test data.

ODYSSEE A-Eye is a unique and powerful image-based machine learning solution that accelerates product design and development via real-time parametric simulation and optimization using machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. ODYSSEE A-Eye allows you to create your own AI application based on image data, sensor data, scalars, labels, curves, and CAD data as inputs and then predicts responses using the known data of your system. This insight enables designers and production technicians to explore the design space more extensively and interactively and improve next-generation products without prohibitive computing cost or time.
ODYSSEE includes:
- Machine Learning & AI
- Statistics, Data Mining, Data Fusion
- Optimization and Robustness
- Process Discovery
- Image Recognition and Compression

ODYSSEE CAE enhances your knowledge by answering complex engineering questions in real-time that would otherwise take hundreds of hours to simulate and analyze. With only a few previous CAE simulations, ODYSSEE predicts, optimizes, and robustly generates accurate results in real-time. ODYSSEE CAE produces full-time history outputs, including complete CAE analysis with detailed post-processing of results.

Enabling real-time prediction and optimization using image-based machine learning for any industry. ODYSSEE-A-Eye enables the creation of dedicated customizations for production/non-engineers using image-based prediction or based on CAD geometry (STEP).

Other Applications:
- Manufacturing Fault Monitoring (casting)
- Establishing cost indicators for tooling
- Fault characterization for quality control
- Constructability: Construction Risk, Uncertainty and Decision
- Diagnostic prediction of lung infections based on MRI images
- Remote Patient Monitoring augmented by real-time predictive model
- Flight Simulator (landing conditions)
- Satellite image selective compression and classification

We pride ourselves on empowering each client to overcome the challenges of their most demanding projects.
Enteknograte offers a Virtual Engineering approach with FEA tools such as MSC Softwrae(Simufact, Digimat, Nastran, MSC APEX, Actran Acoustic solver), ABAQUS, Ansys, and LS-Dyna, encompassing the accurate prediction of in-service loads, the performance evaluation, and the integrity assessment including the influence of manufacturing the components.
Electromagnetic Multiphysics
Integrated Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning - Deep Learning with CFD & FEA Simulation
Seat Design: Finite Element and CFD Simulation for Static & Dynamic Comfort, Whiplash, Acoustic & Thermal Comfort, Crash Test
eVTOL (Electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing) & UAM (Urban Air Mobility)
FEA Based Composite Material Design and Optimization: MSC Marc, Abaqus, Ansys, Digimat and LS-DYNA
Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing
Crash Test and Crashworthiness
Blast Resistance with Protection Against Ballistic Attacks
Acoustics and Vibration: FEA and CFD for AeroAcoustics, VibroAcoustics and NVH Analysis
Aerodynamics Simulation: Coupling CFD with MBD, FEA and 1D-System Simulation
Finite Element Simulation of Crash Test and Crashworthiness with LS-Dyna, Abaqus and PAM-CRASH
Simulation of Plasma Based Devices: Microwave Plasma and RF Plasma Analysis with Coupling Particle in Cell (PIC), MHD, CFD and FEA Solvers
Heat Transfer and Thermal Analysis: Fluid-Structure Interaction with Coupled CFD and Finite Element Based Simulation
CFD Simulation of Reacting Flows and Combustion
Finite Element Analysis of Durability and Fatigue Life
Multi-Phase Flows CFD Analysis
CFD and FEA in Civil Engineering: Seismic Design, Earthquake, Tunnel, Dam, Concrete Structures and Geotechnical Multiphysics Simulation
Marine and Shipbuilding Industry: Finite Element and CFD Based Simulation and Design
In Silico Medical & Biomedical Device Testing: Finite Element & CFD Simulation and Design, Considering FDA & ASME V&V 40
FEA and CFD Simulation for Aerospace Structures: Aerodynamics, Acoustics, Fatigue and Vibration, Thermal Analysis, Crash & Impact