Gas turbine simulation: spray, combustion, emissions, Shaft and Gear Systems, acoustic enclosures
FEA & CFD Based Simulation Design Analysis Virtual prototyping MultiObjective Optimization
Gas turbine combustion is a complex process, and it can be a challenge to achieve accurate and reliable Finite Element and CFD simulation results at a reasonable computational cost. Computational efficiency requires appropriate mesh resolution and turbulence, spray, combustion, and emissions models in CFD tools such as AVL Fire, Siemens Star-ccm+, Ansys Fluent and Converge that provide an appropriate level of detail. It needs adavnced combination of Finite Element and Acoustic Solvers to capture real-world vibration and structural performance with FEA tools such as Abaqus, Ansys and LS-Dyna and Acoustic solver such as MSC Actran and ESI VA-ONE.
Component | Question | FEA and CFD Simulation |
Inlet Systems |
Shaft and Gear Systems |
Compressors |
Enteknograte engineering team use advanced CAE software with special features for mixing the best of both FEA tools and CFD solvers: CFD codes such as Ansys Fluent, Siemens StarCCM+, OpenFOAM and FEA Codes such as ANSYS, ABAQUS, Nastran, LS-Dyna, MSC Marc.
Combustors |
Turbines |
Acoustic Enclosures |

Energy industry faces a number of stringent challenges that range from addressing environmental risks, investigating new sources of natural resources, and improving operational performance, while complying with tight technical and regulatory requirements. The past decade has seen increasing explorations for fossil fuels, while research into the alternative energy sources, like wind, solar, and biofuels is taking center stage as governments and companies look to meet the ever-increasing global energy demands.
Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industries
Gas turbine simulation: spray, combustion, emissions, shaft and gear Systems, acoustic enclosures
Hydropower, Solar Power and Biomass
CFD Simulation of Reacting Flows and Combustion
Fuel Injectors and Spray CFD Simulation
Turbomachinery Generative Design & Optimization
1D/3D Coupled Simulation and Co-Simulation: Detailed Chemistry & Multiphase Flow Modeling with 1D Modeling
Hydrodynamics CFD simulation, Coupled with FEA for FSI Analysis of Marine and offshore structures
Heat Transfer Simulations for Turbomachinery
Electromagnetic Multiphysics
Simulation of Plasma Based Devices: Particle in Cell (PIC), MHD, CFD
Integrated Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning - Deep Learning with CFD & FEA Simulation
Turbine, Pump & Compressor (Axial or Centrifugal)
Fatigue Analysis of Welded Structures Using the Finite Element Method
Vibration Fatigue Finite Element Simulation: Time & Frequency Domain
Heat Exchangers: Simulation-Based Design for Thermal Performance Optimization
Multi-Phase Flows CFD Analysis
Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing
Heat Transfer and Thermal Analysis: Fluid-Structure Interaction with Coupled CFD and Finite Element Based Simulation
We pride ourselves on empowering each client to overcome the challenges of their most demanding projects.