Gas Turbine Combustion CFD Simulation: AVL Fire, Siemens Star-ccm+, Ansys Fluent and Converge
FEA & CFD Based Simulation Design Analysis Virtual prototyping MultiObjective Optimization
Gas turbine combustion can be a challenge to achieve accurate and reliable CFD simulation results. Computational efficiency requires appropriate mesh resolution and turbulence, spray, combustion, and emissions models that provide an appropriate level of detail. With using advanced and specilized CFD tools such as AVL Fire, Siemens Star-ccm+, Ansys Fluent and Converge, Enteknograte engineers can accurately predict important kinetically limited gas turbine phenomena such as ignition, flashback, and lean blow off. In addition, we can investigate the combined effects of chemistry and turbulence and optimize combustor performance parameters.
Enteknograte Simulation service for gas turbine combustion include:
- Modeling of ignition and flame propagation with representation of the spark energy, volume, duration, and flame kernel formation and propagation
- Spark modeling, combined with detailed chemistry
- Effect of fuel/air ratio and burner spacing on relight propagation time
- Simulating Lean blow off (LBO) including both gaseous and liquid fuels and maximize combustor performance factor for lean premixed systems to reducing flame temperatures and thus inhibiting NOx formation
- Simulation Flashback ( flame speed of the fuel can overcome the flow velocity and flashback occurs and flashback occurs) of premixed fuel/air systems to investigate probability of damage to equipment.
- Spray modeling of liquid fuel simulations of gas turbines including all steps of the spray process, including primary and secondary breakup, filming, splashing, coalescence, and collision.
- Simulation of emissions of pollutants such as NOx, CO, and soot as a design parameters for gas turbines
- Coupled combustion – CHT (conjugate heat transfer) simulation to predict combustor wall temperatures which captures flame shapes, cooling flows, and metal thermal conditions
We pride ourselves on empowering each client to overcome the challenges of their most demanding projects.
By using Accurate reaction mechanisms that representing every class of reaction important for combustion analysis and combination of advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) combustion simulation tools such as Kiva, Ansys Fluent, Ansys Forte, AVL Fire, Converge CFD, Siemens Star-ccm+ , MSC Cradle and System Modeling software such as Matlab Simulink and GT-Suite enable Enteknograte engineering team to reduce chemistry analysis time by orders of magnitude, virtually eliminating the bottleneck that chemistry integration produces during the simulation process.
Using Simulation to Optimize Reacting Flows and Combustion
From automobile engines to gas turbine generators, reacting flow and combustion is often the key to energy efficiency, emissions, lifespan, product yield, and other performance parameters. Simulation help look deeper into reacting flow and combustion issues to understand the complex chemical reactions, fluid flow, heat transfer, electrical performance, and other factors that determine the performance of your product. Simulation enables our engineers to evaluate more design alternatives more thoroughly than traditional prototype-based design and development methods.
NVH based Design and Considerations in Reacting Flows and Combustion Systems
The challenge for the NVH specialists is to support the concept and design development process by reliable recommendations just-in-time prior concept or design freeze. Enteknograte’s specialists particularly use advanced methodologies for NVH simulation and optimization:
- FEA based Powertrain
- Structural Optimization
- Optimization of Engine Dynamics based on MBD ( Multi-Body Dynamics Simulation)
- Concurrent optimization of combustion efficiency with NVH considerations
- Vehicle Interior Noise Simulation based on measurement and CAE
- Vehicle Exterior Noise Simulation with couple use of CFD and FEA solvers
- Objective Analysis of Sound Quality