Turbocharging Simulation

FEA & CFD Based Simulation Design Analysis Virtual prototyping MultiObjective Optimization

Turbocharging allows automakers to reduce engine size and emissions while continuing to deliver the power and performance consumers demand. To improve overall engine performance, reduce pollutant formation, optimize NVH and ensure component durability, Enteknograte combine advanced simulation tools offer exactly what is needed to design advanced pressure charging systems.

Simulation Based Design of Turbocharger

  1. Aerodynamically develop and optimize turbine and compressor wheels for highly efficient charging devices
  2. Design new turbochargers with engine matching at every design step
  3. Change compressor and turbine sizes and predict the effect of these changes
  4. Ensure best NVH behavior and maximum durability
  5. Optimize Rotor Dynamics

Enteknograte use combination of advanced Finite Element Tools to investigates the dynamic stability of the rotor bearing system.

The multi-body dynamic solution includes non-linear models to detect critical speeds and analyze the influence of full or semi-floating bushing configurations.

For investigate and Minimize the Thermal Loads, Enteknograte use advanced CFD Tools for fast rotating systems to prediction of the thermal load of the turbine and compressor wheels as well as the turbocharger housing.

NASA transonic rotor 37 Aerodynamics CFD Simulation Design Axial Compressor Ansys Fluent Siemens Star-ccm Numeca Fine Turbo MSC Nastran CFX

Optimizing the simulation driven design of turbomachinery such as compressors, turbines, pumps, blowers, turbochargers, turbopumps, centrifugal compressors, radial turbines, hydraulic turbines, low speed to transonic fans and torque converters offers enormous potential. Enteknograte’s engineering team performs all stages of design and optimization of turbomachinery at the 1D, 2D and 3D levels including 3D blade design, FEA and CFD analysis. Our experience covers all branches of turbomachinery design and related fields of knowledge including: aerodynamics, hydraulics, thermodynamics, Acoustics, structural, Computational Fluid Dynamics and Finite Element Analysis.

Enteknograte Engineering Services team is composed of highly skilled turbomachinery design and analysis engineers ready to support and complement your design needs. Whether you need a complete study or are facing challenging multi-point / multi-objective design objectives, our team will be able to support your requirements by application of coupled CFD, FEA and 1D System softwares.


From the initial concept to the completed 3D model and all the steps in between them, we are here to assist. We Use CFD tools such as MSC Cradle, Ansys Fluent and Siemens Star-ccm+ and FEA Tools such as Abaqus,  LS-DYNA and MSC Nastran with combination of very experienced engineers to help our customers in:

  • Project Definition and Technical Specifications
  • Preliminary Design & Feasibility Studies
  • Research & Development
  • Analysis of Existing Machines
  • Heat Transfer Simulations
  • Rotor Dynamics
  • Aerodynamic Design
  • Re-design Services
  • CFD Analysis
  • Finite Element Structural Analysis (FEA) for stress and vibration analysis.
  • Aeroacoustic and noise Modelling
  • Aeroelastic Design & Analysis
  • Design of Experiments and Automatic optimization methodology (e.g Simplex, Simulated annealing, Genetic algorithm and Tabu search).
Transonic Flow Axial Compressor NASA transonic rotor 37 Aerodynamics CFD Simulation Design Ansys Fluent Siemens Star-ccm Numeca Fine Turbo MSC Nastran
Turbomachinery Fatigue and Damage Abaqus ansys Fe-safe Ncode

Finite Element Analysis of Durability and Fatigue Life: Ansys Ncode, Simulia FE-Safe

The demand for simulation of fatigue and durability is especially strong. Durability often dominates development agendas, and empirical evaluation is by its nature time-consuming and costly. Simulation provides a strategic approach to managing risk and cost by enabling design concepts or design changes to be studied before investment in physical evaluation. The industry-leading fatigue Simulation technology such as Simulia FE-SAFE, Ansys Ncode Design Life and FEMFAT used to calculate fatigue life of multiaxial, welds, short-fibre composite, vibration, crack growth, thermo-mechanical fatigue.

Turbomachinery Generative Design & Optimization

The sensitivity information comes directly from the flow field so the optimized shape is the one that fits the given flow best. Unlike traditional design methods that rely on trial and error between a given geometry and flow field predicted by CFD codes, we use 3D inverse design method starts by identifying what we want to do to the fluid flow in terms of 3D pressure field and mathematically derives the optimal geometry to achieve that outcome. This significantly reduces the time taken for each design.

Heat Transfer Simulations for Turbomachinery

Including FSI Effect with Coupled FEA & CFD
We can calculate a wide spectrum of heat-related calculations, including startup and shutdown cycles, thermal warp effects on static elements (casings and exhaust hoods), on shafts, heat transfer analysis, warp and displacement of ceilings. We can also help you calculate predictions of a machine’s behavior on transient operational modes with high-fidelity modeling, closer to the real behavior of products..

Cavitation in Propulsion Systems

CFD Analysis of Propulsion Systems and Cavitation for Marine and Shipbuilding Industry
For water pumps, marine propellers, and other equipment involving hydrofoils, cavitation can cause problems such as vibration, increased hydrodynamic drag, pressure pulsation, noise, and erosion on solid surfaces. Most of these problems are related to the transient behavior of cavitation structures. To better understand these phenomena, unsteady 3D simulations Modeling Cavitation of cavitating flow around single hydrofoils are often performed and the results are compared to experiments.

1D/3D Coupled Simulation and Co-Simulation: Detailed Chemistry & Multiphase Flow Modeling with 1D Modeling

Enteknograte engineering team use advantage of CFD solver’s detailed chemistry, multiphase flow modeling, and other powerful features in coupling and co-simulation of CFD (Siemens Star-ccm+, AVL Fire, Ansys Fluent, Converge), 1D systems softwares (Matlab simulink, GT-Suite, Ricardo Wave allowing 1D/3D-coupled analyses to be performed effortlessly) and FEA software (Abaqus, Ansys, Nastran) for engine cylinder coupling, exhaust aftertreatment coupling, and fluid-structure interaction coupling simulation.

Hydrodynamics CFD simulation, Coupled with FEA for FSI Analysis of Marine and offshore structures

Transient Resistance, Propulsion, Sea-Keeping and Maneuvering Simulation, Cavitation, Vibration and Fatigue
Hydrodynamics is a common application of CFD and a main core of Enteknograte expertise for ship, boat, yacht, marine and offshore structures simulation based design. Coupling Hydrodynamic CFD Simulation in Ansys Fluent, Siemens Star-ccm+ and MSC Cradle with structural finite element solver such as Abaqus and Ansys, enable us to Simulate most complicated industrial problem such as Cavitation, Vibration and Fatigue induced by hydrodynamics fluctuation, Transient Resistance, Propulsion, Sea-Keeping and Maneuvering Simulation, considering two way FSI (Fluid Structure Interaction) coupling technology.

Integrated Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning - Deep Learning with CFD & FEA Simulation

Machine learning is a method of data analysis that automates analytical model building. It is a branch of Artificial Intelligence based on the idea that systems can learn from data, identify patterns and make decisions with minimal human intervention. With Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications in CAE, that is Mechanical Engineering and FEA and CFD Simulations as design tools, our CAE engineers evaluate the possible changes (and limits) coming from Machine learning, whether Deep Learning (DL), or Support vector machine (SVM) or even Genetic algorithms to specify definitive influence in some optimization problems and the solution of complex systems.

Turbine, Pump & Compressor (Axial or Centrifugal)

Multidisciplinary Turbomachinery Design, Analysis & Optimization
We can design axial turbines, Axial Pump, Centrifugal Compressor, Centrifugal Pump and Mixed Flow Compressor/Turbine with or without any pre-loaded profiles, with prismatic (cylindrical) or twisted blades, multiple extractions/injections, inter-stage heat exchangers, Curtis & Rateau stages, impulse & reaction designs, drilled and reamed nozzles, partial admission, etc. Enteknograte’s engineering team use CFD software’s such as Siemens Star-ccm+, Ansys Fluent and Numeca Fine/Turbo in co-simulation with FEA structural solvers, such as Abaqus, Ansys and MSC Nastran.

Electromagnetic Multiphysics

FEA & CFD Based Simulation Including Thermal Stress, Fatigue, and Noise, Vibration & Harshness – NVH for Electric Motors
Enteknograte Finite Element Electromagnetic Field simulation solution which uses the highly accurate finite element solvers and methods such as Ansys Maxwell, Simulia Opera, Simulia CST, JMAG, Cedrat FLUX, Siemens MAGNET and COMSOL to solve static, frequency-domain, and time-varying electromagnetic and electric fields includes a wide range of solution types for a complete design flow for your electromagnetic and electromechanical devices in different industries.

Aerodynamics Simulation: Coupling CFD with MBD, FEA and 1D-System Simulation

Aerodynamics studies can cover the full speed range of low speed, transonic, supersonic and hypersonic flows as well as turbulence and flow control. System properties such as mass flow rates and pressure drops and fluid dynamic forces such as lift, drag and pitching moment can be readily calculated in addition to the wake effects. This data can be used directly for design purposes or as in input to a detailed stress analysis. Aerodynamics CFD simulation with sophisticated tools such as MSC Cradle, Ansys Fluent and Siemens Star-ccm+ allows the steady-state and transient aerodynamics of heating ventilation & air conditioning (HVAC) systems, vehicles, aircraft, structures, wings and rotors to be computed with extremely high levels of accuracy.

Aerodynamic Noise Simulation

Sound caused by pressure oscillation of fluid, such as wind noise, and sound caused by resonance can be predicted using Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and a weak compressible flow model. A Fast Fourier Transform calculation can be used within the CFD software to predict the frequency of noise. Predicting the noise generated by complex flows from steady CFD solutions allows us to study the noise generated by turbulent flows from CFD solutions.

Creep and Creep-Fatigue Interactions

considering Creep-Fatigue interaction in high temperature simulations identifies whether fatigue and/or creep are the dominant damaging mechanisms, thus allowing re-design to focus on the relevant damage mechanisms and significantly reduce pre-service component testing.

Vibration Fatigue Finite Element Simulation: Time & Frequency Domain

Structural vibration can be a source for many product related problems; it can cause fatigue and durability problems as well as adverse reactions to the user or bystanders in the form of undesirable vibrations that can be felt or heard. As well, undesired structural vibrations can prevent products from operating as required and potentially becoming a safety concern. The Vibration Fatigue simulation predict fatigue in the frequency domain and it is more realistic and efficient than time-domain analysis for many applications with random loading such as wind and wave loads.

Finite Element Analysis of Durability and Fatigue Life

Vibration Fatigue, Creep, Welded Structures Fatigue, Elastomer and Composite Fatigue with Ansys Ncode, Simulia FE-Safe, MSC CAEFatigue, FEMFAT
Durability often dominates development agendas, and empirical evaluation is by its nature time-consuming and costly. Simulation provides a strategic approach to managing risk and cost by enabling design concepts or design changes to be studied before investment in physical evaluation. The industry-leading fatigue Simulation technology such as Simulia FE-SAFE, Ansys Ncode Design Life and FEMFAT used to calculate fatigue life of multiaxial, welds, short-fibre composite, vibration, crack growth, thermo-mechanical fatigue.

Heat Transfer and Thermal Analysis: Fluid-Structure Interaction with Coupled CFD and Finite Element Based Simulation

We analyze system-level thermal management of vehicle component, including underhood, underbody and brake systems, and design for heat shields, electronics cooling, HVAC, hybrid systems and human thermal comfort. Our Finite Element (LS-Dyna, Ansys, Abaqus) and CFD simulation (Siemens Start-ccm+, Ansys Fluent , Ansys CFX and OpenFoam) for heat transfer analysis, thermal management, and virtual test process can save time and money in the design and development process, while also improving the thermal comfort and overall quality of the final product.

Acoustics and Vibration: FEA and CFD for AeroAcoustics, VibroAcoustics and NVH Analysis

Noise and vibration analysis is becoming increasingly important in virtually every industry. The need to reduce noise and vibration can arise because of government legislation, new lightweight constructions, use of lower cost materials, fatigue failure or increased competitive pressure. With deep knowledge in FEA, CFD and Acoustic simulation, advanced Acoustic solvers and numerical methods used by Enteknograte engineers to solve acoustics, vibro-acoustics, and aero-acoustics problems in automotive manufacturers and suppliers, aerospace companies, shipbuilding industries and consumer product manufacturers.

Multi-objective Design & Optimization of Turbomachinery: Coupled CFD & FEA

Optimizing the simulation driven design of turbomachinery such as compressors, turbines, pumps, blowers, turbochargers, turbopumps, centrifugal compressors, radial turbines, hydraulic turbines, low speed to transonic fans and torque converters offers enormous potential. . Our experience covers all branches of turbomachinery design and related fields of knowledge including: aerodynamics, hydraulics, thermodynamics, Acoustics, structural, Computational Fluid Dynamics and Finite Element Analysis.


We pride ourselves on empowering each client to overcome the challenges of their most demanding projects.

Enteknograte offers a Virtual Engineering approach with CFD tools such as MSC Cradle, Ansys Fluent, StarCCM+  for flows simulation and FEA based Codes such as MSC Softwrae(Simufact, Digimat, Nastran, Marc, Actran Acoustic solver), ABAQUS, Ansys and LS-Dyna, encompassing the accurate prediction of in-service loads, the performance evaluation, and the integrity assessment including the influence of manufacturing the components.
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